However, I believe access to this game's source code in a higher level programming language opens it up to a wider pool of potentially capable developers / modders. What's wrong with Web Assembly / Emscripten Opportunity to refactor / rewrite with modern coding style and cleanup.Portablity: Sm64 projects can run on any device with a web browser anywhere without needing to download or install anything.More friendly to prototyping multiplayer custom games/mods.More friendly to importing other software modules/packages.
This project also includes the development of online mass multiplayer versions of sm64js and other custom multiplayer game modes. This project required creating a JavaScript WebGL port of N64 Fast 3D Renderer originally implemented with OpenGL in C. This is an ongoing work-in-progress port of the decompilation of original Nintendo game, Super Mario 64, to native JavaScript (No Emulation) (No Web Assembly).